Frequently Asked Questions

What is LARPing?
LARPing is an interactive theater experience. Players spend the weekend as their character, engaging in a fictional world. Cast members play many roles over the course of a weekend, helping to make the world come alive. Together, they tell a collaborative story. In our case, our LARP takes place at Taber Creek camp in Union, CT, where we use props, set dressing, and special effects to make our world come alive for everyone.

When should I arrive?
Generally, preparing the site for an event starts around noon on Friday. If you join us for setup, you can earn extra points for your character advancement. Join us in transforming the site into Colony 724. This includes setting up permanent fixtures of the game world (such as the “library” or the “warden’s office”), props intended to be in place before the “Game On” call, and decorating frequented areas such as The Apothecary and the tavern. There are also logistical areas to set up, including the cast center, lighting trails for night, and marking hazards around the site. Be sure to verify what time the setup begins each event before arriving.
If you can't help with set-up, no worries! You can find a full schedule of each event when you register, but generally players begin arriving around 6 to get settled and checked in. Game begins at 10pm Friday night.

Do you have COVID restrictions?
The following are our current COVID policies:
Covid Vaccine Requirements: All Players and Cast are required to be vaccinated in order to join us for the weekend. Proof of Vaccination is asked the first event you register. A photo of the proof of vaccination is accepted along with your ID.
Covid Testing: The game ownership and staff are continually evaluating local COVID risk, with interest in keeping our game as safe as can reasonably be expected in a public gathering of any sort. With that in mind, we are continuing to require proof of a negative covid test within 48 hours of game on (72 hours for PCR tests). If you show up for game without proof of a negative test, you will be asked to go purchase and take a rapid test before we can check you in. We unfortunately will not be able to provide tests on site. Please bear in mind that masks are always acceptable in game if preferred by the individual, especially if people are going to be indoors in close quarters for extended periods, but as of now they are not a requirement.

How do I join?
For players and cast, the first step is to look at our Rulebook. While it is long, don't get overwhelmed. You won't need to know all of it, only what applies to the direction you decide to go with your character. The first 50 pages will give you our code of conduct, game basics such as combat, and (for players) a guide on how to build a character.
Interested in joining the storytellers? Learn more about casting here.

What do I do for food?
If you are a player, you can either bring your own food for the weekend, leave site to go to several local restaurants, or purchase a meal plan. We recommend bringing shelf-stable food or a cooler, as refrigerator space in our kitchen is limited. Our meal plan is $30 and includes breakfast and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Players are still responsible for their own lunch on Saturday. Either way, we recommend bringing snacks and any sports drinks or energy drinks you may want.
If you are cast, we will provide you breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, and snacks throughout the weekend, free of charge. If you have specific snacks or drinks you prefer, we recommend bringing those yourself.